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[어린왕자 영어원서읽기] The Little Prince 6-2, 직독직해, 끊어읽기, 혼자서영어공부 혼자서 영어공부 - 어린왕자 원서읽기 (끊어읽기) 1. 전체읽기 전체 문장을 소리내서 5번 읽는다. At first you seemed to be surprised. Then, you laughed to yourself and said to me, "I think that I am at home!" Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States, the sun is setting in France. If you could fly to Frane in one minute, you could see the sunset, but for the little prince, it is easy to see the sunset. 2. 어휘암기 (어휘저축) 오늘.. 2024. 4. 4.
[어린왕자 영어원서읽기] The Little Prince 6-1, 직독직해, 끊어읽기, 혼자서 영어공부 혼자서 영어공부 - 어린왕자 원서읽기 (끊어읽기) 1. 전체읽기 전체 문장을 소리내서 5번 읽는다. Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life... For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. "But we must wait," I said. "Wait? For what?" "For the sunset. We must wait until it is time." 2. 어휘암기 (어휘저축) 오늘 암기해야 하는 어휘는 반드시 오늘 암기한다. 영어문장을 통해 어휘를.. 2024. 4. 3.
[어린왕자 영어원서읽기] The Little Prince 5-12, 직독직해, 끊어읽기, 혼자서 영어공부 혼자서 영어공부 - 어린왕자 원서읽기 (끊어읽기) 1. 전체읽기 전체 문장을 소리내서 5번 읽는다. Perhaps you will ask me, "Why are there no other drawings in this book as magnificent and impressive as this drawing of the baobabs?" The reply is simple. I have tried. But with the others I have not been successful. When I made the drawing of the baobabs I was carried beyond myself by the inspiring force of urgent necessity. 2. 어휘암기 (어휘저축).. 2024. 3. 29.
[어린왕자 영어원서읽기] The Little Prince 5-11, 직독직해, 끊어읽기, 혼자서 영어공부 혼자서 영어공부 - 어린왕자 원서읽기 (끊어읽기) 1. 전체읽기 전체 문장을 소리내서 5번 읽는다. My friends, like myself, have been skirting this danger for a long time, without ever knowing it; and so it is for them that I have worked so hard over this drawing. The lesson which I pass on by this means is worth all the trouble it has cost me. 2. 어휘암기 (어휘저축) 오늘 암기해야 하는 어휘는 반드시 오늘 암기한다. 영어문장을 통해 어휘를 암기하면 막연하게 우리말 뜻만 암기하는 것이 아니라 문장에서 어떻게 .. 2024. 3. 26.